shabby blog

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hand Phone

I need to set up this story be telling you that my children have developed imaginations that are quite vivid. We always have new "friends" and "pets" around our house that have to do everything with us. It's awesome!! I love seeing their minds at work. The other day, Jackson was playing fetch with his imaginary dog (with an imaginary ball!!) It was hilarious!! We have to be very careful to not laugh at him because he gets embarassed very easily.  One imaginary thing that they have is their own phones -- I know that we should appreciate these days because we'll turn around twice and they'll really be old enough for their own phones!! Anyway....these "phones" are apparently implanted in their hands because they dial on their palms and then hold their hand up to their ear and "call" whoever....granna, kelby, daddy....I never know who they are talking to! I did not realize, however, that they have a number for someone that I would love to chat with on the phone......this brings me to the real story.......

I love my kids and their tender hearts.....

Yesterday, we found out that my great uncle has widespread cancer (please pray).  I was talking to my mom on the phone as the kids and I were on our way to church about the situation. When I got off the phone, Jackson said "Mommy, who was that on the phone?" I told him it was granna...."What she say mommy?" I then told him that she was telling me about a man that is very sick and that this man was his great great uncle. Both kids just went into this dialogue about how they loved him very much (even though they have hardly been around him) and how they wanted him to get better. I said to them, "Well, we just need to talk to Jesus about that and ask Him to make Uncle B.D. better." Jackson's reply...."ok, I'll call Jesus and ask Him". He then procedes to hold up his "hand phone" and "dial"....then I hear him talking....."Jesus, please make the man better. He's real sick. Please make him better.....ok, you'll do it? Thanks!" I almost melted -- What a heart?!?! He then told me, "Mommy, He said He'll do it!"  As I was fighting back tears, I just said, "That's great buddy!"    Then, in the sweetest voice, he said to me, "Mommy, Jesus can do anything!!" Oh, that he will have that attitude in every situation of his life. What a big lesson from a 3 year old boy!!

Maybe we all need to use our "hand phones" more often and realize that Jesus is just "one phone call away" or, really, just one prayer away!!

Have a great day everyone!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Starting Over

A new year has begun and I am starting over....with a lot of of which is the blog!! I did a terrible job of keeping up with the other one, but I realized that this would be a way for me to archive things in my family's life that I don't have time to put in a scrapbook! Stay tuned for postings of our holidays and the latest funnies from our kids!  Love to all!!